We really help you identify your
"WATSON"-indexed pills without wasting time and effort!

This logo
has become renowned all over the world recently. Since 1984, when
the company was established, Watson Pharmaceuticals has achieved
breath-taking success, arising from a small drug development
enterprise to a leading manufacturer of generic and branded
medications with revenue that reached $1 billion in 2002. By
2007, its revenue doubled, which was a new significant
demonstration of the company's onward progress.
With its headquarters situated
in Corona, California, US, Watson Pharmaceuticals now owns 18
different plants, distribution centers, and marketing/sales
facilities worldwide, having acquired quite a number of smaller
drug research and development companies in the United States
and abroad.
Watson Pharmaceuticals
is now a manufacturer of a wide range of various medications,
both generic versions of licenced brands, and its own products.
You will hardly ever have trouble with the quality of
Watson products which always meet the highest standards
established by the FDA. Perhaps, the only problem you may
run across with Watson pills is identifying them.
One has to realize that
there can be found no drug called Watson. Instead,
there are lots of different pills indexed with "WATSON"
letters and a specified number. Each of them can be
identified as a separate drug, or its strength variation.
This website is aimed to
make the process of identifying and distinguishing pills
with "WATSON" index on them as easy as possible. You
only have to know the number combination of your Watson
pill to find out what sort of medication it is!
The pills' images we have
collected will help you complete your investigation, too,
leaving no doubt as to the drug variation you have.
More details and pill
indexes are coming soon!